
Wisconsin Giant Pumpkin Growers

Serving Wisconsin Growers Since 1984




Exhibition Hall at the Alliant Energy Center

1919 Alliant Energy Center Way, Madison, WI 53713
PHONE: (608) 262-5256 

Group : Wisconsin Giant Pumpkin Growers 
Fri. 02/09/18 – Sun. 02/11/18

The WGPG will have a booth to promote our club and mission to educate growers.

There will be a 32" TV hooked up at the booth to connect to for booth visuals.

The booth will have seeds, T-Shirts and Memberships for sale.

"How to Grow Giant Pumpkins" will be presented on Demo Stage A

Saturday, February 10th, 2018 at 4:30 pm

Learn about techniques that maximize the plants' potential. Also learn how to grow healthy plants and managing for tremendous fruit growth.

Volunteers to help at the booth will be able to receive free passes for the Expo for all three days!

Email wgpg@mwt.net if interested. Thank-you.